Almamur Islamic Foundation for Education is an educational foundation that manages Islamic education starting from the kindergarden level (raudhatul athfal) to the upper secondary level (Aliah and High School). Apart from that, this foundation also manages mosques, clinics and taklim assemblies.
Founded by KH. Mahmud and friends in 1980 under the name Almamur College Islamic Education Foundation having its address at Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto No. 92 West Cikarang. In 1988 the name changed to the Almamur Islamic Foundation for Education, in line with the reforms that occurred in it. This change was recorded in the Deed of Establishment of the Foundation with Notary Soedirdja in Bekasi No. 30. The composition of the Founding Body from then on became
1. KH. Noer Alie
2. KH. Mahmud
3. H. Nafis
4. H. Hussein
5. H. Mukhsin
6. H. Abdul Wahab
7. H.M. Saleh
8. H. Abubakar Sanusi
9. H. Djaelani Hasja
Founded by KH. Mahmud and friends in 1980 under the name Almamur College Islamic Education Foundation having its address at Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto No. 92 West Cikarang. In 1988 the name changed to the Almamur Islamic Foundation for Education, in line with the reforms that occurred in it. This change was recorded in the Deed of Establishment of the Foundation with Notary Soedirdja in Bekasi No. 30. The composition of the Founding Body from then on became
1. KH. Noer Alie
2. KH. Mahmud
3. H. Nafis
4. H. Hussein
5. H. Mukhsin
6. H. Abdul Wahab
7. H.M. Saleh
8. H. Abubakar Sanusi
9. H. Djaelani Hasja
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